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July 5, 2023The month of June is used to recognize infertility around the world, and raise awareness of this important and serious condition. Since infertility affects people in every country, the World Health Organization (WHO) has chosen to acknowledge it as a global public health issue. Infertility is incredibly hard for those who experience it, and raising awareness makes finding a solution more likely.
Both female and male infertility are a part of World Infertility Awareness Month, because many people don’t realize that infertility isn’t just a problem for women. Men may also experience issues that lead to infertility, but that’s not talked about as much.
Because more people aren’t talking about infertility openly, especially when it involves men, there’s a lack of understanding of the seriousness of the issue, and how much it directly affects the lives of people who want to have children, but aren’t able to naturally conceive.
Strides have been made in infertility research, and in getting some states and insurance companies to pay for treatment, but there’s still much more work that needs to be done. Millions of people around the world experience infertility, and many of them don’t have all the details and scientific knowledge they need to realize that help and hope is available to them.
Just in the United States alone, there are more than one million couples who aren’t able to conceive naturally, even after trying for a year. Additionally, couples over the age of 35 may have a harder time conceiving, and will want to contact a doctor early on in their journey if they aren’t successful in conceiving.
During World Infertility Awareness Month, the goal is to make sure that message is getting to the right people, and showing them that there are causes of infertility that can be overcome and treated. Working with the right doctor is an important part of a successful fertility journey.
Fertility issues aren’t rare, and couples who are having trouble conceiving are definitely not alone. Recognizing and acknowledging that can help more people get the treatments they need to move past infertility and start or grow their families.
We offer comprehensive surrogacy, adoption, egg, sperm and embryo donation services. Our team of experts will carefully listen to you and tailor a comprehensive family-building plan to your specific wishes and needs. Contact us today to get started!