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August 9, 2024A Miami clinic is offering a rare fertility treatment that’s made it possible for some men who have spinal cord injuries to fulfill their dreams of becoming fathers. When people think of spinal cord injuries they often think about paralysis and the inability to walk, but they don’t realize that issues like infertility also come with many accidents that create permanent damage to the spinal cord.
Approximately 80% of men who have spinal cord injuries (SCIs) also struggle with infertility, primarily due to poor sperm quality or erectile dysfunction. Since the 1990s, the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, which is part of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine has helped with the births of over 200 babies. This unique program uses techniques that are rarely attempted anywhere else to give men with SCIs the ability to become fathers and start or grow their families.
There are medications that can help men who have erectile dysfunction, but some men with SCIs have ejaculatory dysfunction, which requires a different type of treatment. Two techniques that can help are penile vibratory stimulation and electroejaculation, both of which are FDA-approved options. Which one works best depends on the specific situation including the level of paralysis and other factors.
The electroejaculation machine used in Miami activates the glands that produce sperm and then helps them contract. It offers a nearly 100% success rate, and the machine in Miami is one of only two in the world. The other one is in Sweden. Men all around the United States have made their way to Miami for these fertility treatments, and some have come in from other countries, as well.
The majority of patients who experience SCIs have a focus on medical care and mobility, which makes sense and is very common when the injury is new. Over time, though, they may want to focus on other areas and experiences. Often, sexual function and fertility are brushed off by the majority of the medical community, and many men assume there’s nothing to be done to help them. The University of Miami Miller School of Medicine is showing them that options are available.
If you would like to discuss starting or growing your family with the help of assisted reproductive technology in 2024, we would love to talk with you. Our team of experts will carefully listen to you and tailor a comprehensive family-building plan to your specific wishes and needs. Contact us today to learn more!